Take 15-501S to Rt. 40W to Exit #266 = Rt 86. Take a left off the exit ramp onto
86S (toward Chapel Hill). (ALTERNATE ROUTE: 15-501S to Rt. 751. Take right off
ramp. Take 1st left onto Old Erwin Road. Pass through light at Cornwallis Road.
Pass through light at Mt Sinai Rd. At 3rd light, turn right onto Whitfield Rd.
Drive to end of Whitfield and turn left onto Rt 86S.)
* Cross over the highway and take the first right (at a light) onto Eubanks Rd.
(If you pass Harris Teeter on the left on Rt 86, you have gone too far!!!) While on Eubanks,
pass the Park n Ride lot, then UPS on your right. Cross the railroad tracks.
Pass the landfill on both sides of the road......Then take a left (first left after the
landfill) onto Rogers Road. Take the second right (0.9 miles) onto Tallyho Trail.
Our house is 0.6 mile on the left (on the inside of a curve to the left.) Mailbox is
well marked: #1203. Feel free to park in the driveway.
Take Martin Luther King Jr Blvd (historically Airport Rd) (Rt 86N) north from town. Pass
Estes Drive. At a light, take a left onto Homestead Road. (Duke Power is on the corner
of Martin Luther King and Homestead, ahead of you on your left when you are still on
Martin Luther King.) When on Homestead Road, cross over railroad tracks, pass through
one light (at Seawell School Rd), and go down the hill. Take the next right onto Rogers
Road. Take the second left onto Tallyho Trail. Our house is 0.6 mile on the left (on the
inside of a curve to the left.) Mailbox is well marked: #1203. Feel free to park in
the driveway.
Take 40W to exit #266 = Rt 86 Chapel Hill. Follow directions above under “from Durham *”.
Take Rt 86 S toward Chapel Hill. Pass Mt Sinai Road on the left (Allen and Son’s B-B-Q is at that intersection, on your right.) Pass Whitfield Road on the left. Pass through the intersection with Rt 40, and then follow directions above under “from Durham *”.
Go North on N. Greensboro Street from town (i.e.drive past the Harris Teeter.) At the first light, right onto Estes Drive. At the first light, left onto Seawell School Road. Cross the railroad tracks and continue round the bend to the end of the road. At the light, left onto Homestead Road. Go down the hill and at the bottom: First right onto Rogers Road. Second left onto Tallyho Trail. Our house is 0.6 mile on the left (on the inside of a curve to the left.) Mailbox is well marked: #1203. Feel free to park in the driveway or if the driveway is full, on the verge on the side of the road.
Feldenkrais®, Feldenkrais Method®, Functional Integration®, and Awareness Through Movement® are registered service marks; and Guild Certified Feldenkrais PractitionerCM and Guild Certified Feldenkrais TeacherCM are certification marks of The FELDENKRAIS GUILD® of North America.